I was very excited to find the Audubon Society Field to the Rocky Mountain Region in a little shop right when we got into Yellowstone. I couldn't find it in Washington & I always like to identify all the wildlife, floral & fauna we see. So, for those interested, here's the list:
-American bison (lots & lots--even right in the middle of the road)
-Elk (lots--got to watch the dynamics of the herd one evening)
-Mule deer
-Pronghorn antelope (they were great to watch bounding around in the field)
-Coyote (one hunting small rodents in a field, which was very entertaining to watch & a couple others)
-chipmunks (various kinds)
-squirrels (various kinds)
-moose (a bull, two cows & one calf)
-black bear (2)
-western toad
-Great Spangled Fritillary Butterfly
-Mormon cricket
-Pallid-winged grasshopper
-Ravens (lots--they were huge!)
-Black-billed magpie
-Mountain bluebird
-Sandhill crane 2 in a field--huge!)
-Wilson's Warbler (very cute tiny yellow bird)