Friday, April 22, 2005

Busy Busy

Well my wife leaves for Honduras on Tuesday. It is very exciting but there is just so much going on right now. We signed papers today for our new townhouse. Gotta get the place painted and ready to move in. Work is crazy. Thule bought our transport line and we have had to increase production to compensate.

My parents were in town last weekend. We went on a few outings, but I forgot my camera on each one so no cool pictures to share. It was good having them in town hopefully they will make it over more often.

The softball season started Monday. We lost both ends of the double header and lost them badly. Things will turn around I hope or it will be a long year.

There is the update hopefully I will be more attentive to my 3 readers in the future.


Anonymous said...

Hi Levi,

I am checking in every day. It will save calling you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping your three readers in the loop. Eliza - safe travels and I hope that the trip goes well.