Sunday, March 12, 2006

Birthday weekend

It's been a great birthday weekend--thanks to all for making it special. Relaxing now on Sunday morning, gearing up for a long road bike ride with some friends.

Friday we gathered with friends at Redhook. Didn't stay out very late, as I was going for a mountain bike ride at 9am the next morning. (the crazy late celebratory night will be 3/22 at the Little Red Hen, for both Jen's, Kelly's, & my birthdays)
Six and twenty

Talking with our good friends Kyle & Kristen

Birthday dinner at my sister's last night
Such a stylish dining room!

Strawberry shortcake anyone?

We look a little dangerous with my new gardening fork :)


Kristen Gough said...

1. We had so much fun seeing you (and everyone else) at Redhook on your birthday!

2. That picture of Kathryn's dining room looks like it belongs in a magazine! I love the table, the tulips, the chairs, the gorgeous light, the plates--everything! It is so simple and elegant and inviting. Beautiful.

3. Your mom is so pretty! I love this photo of her with the strawberry shortcake!

4. I think you two are the cutest sisters in the world.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Looking forward to hearing about the Red Hen birthday bash shenanigans.


Eliza said...

Wednesday at the Hen had to be postponed--I'll let everyone know when we pick the Wednesday in April!