Sunday, March 05, 2006

Weekend Wedding

Lindsay "hurry up and go it's your" Turner is now happily Lindsay Smith. We went back to Spokane to attend the wedding of Lindsay and Kevin Smith.

Sadly my camera battery was low or this would have been a great picture.

The reception was at the Davenport. It was the first time I have been in the hotel since it was remodeled a few years back. They have done a nice job of restoring it to its original decor.

There first dance was special as all first dances are.

Forbes and Lindsay

Forbes, Lindsay, and Levi

It was also great to see my parents. They are doing well and we will see them in a couple weeks for my sisters graduation. All and all it was a very nice weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wow... two appearances on the blog in less than 10 days. What can I say, I'm honored!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys could come to celebrate with us! The night went so quickly - I wish there had been more time to catch up.
