Friday, November 03, 2006

Grandma's Without Grandma

Boo & I both took the day off today & spent it together. We started it with a yoga class at a local gym, which was calming & energizing. Then we drove the short distance to Grandma's house & were both a little overcome with emotion. Standing on the front porch together, we looked out over the garden, dripping wet & lush with the rich colors of fall. Then we turned around & looked into the house, to the small dining room & kitchen beyond, where we are so used to seeing our Grandma smiling in welcome. With no Grandma to hug & visit with, we shrugged into our raincoats & walked down to feed the chickens. We talked & reminiced, laughed & cried. Continuing our walk, we went down to see the creek, swollen & rushing from the recent rains. And we stopped to gather & enjoy the continued bounty of Grandma's garden. We gathered apples, pears & kale, & returned home to make some warm food & snuggle in with our husbands. My family, the whole crazy bunch of it (that includes you, Goweys, Hearns, Winstons, Hagopians, & Penicks), is my greatest blessing.

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...


i love you.

i'm so glad you and your sister spent friday together--that you two are so close and deeply supportive of each other. what a blessing indeed!

happy weekend, my friend.