What a beautiful day!
I don't attend church regularly, but whenever I do go to Keystone Congregational I am always happy that I did. Besides the pleasure of sitting next to my mother & hearing her sing, I am always moved by the warmth of this place & by this little church's dedication to embodying God's love by seeking peace & justice for all peoples. Pastor Rich is one of my heros & each time I attend his service, I am amazed at how he helps me to define my faith & reach out to others.
This morning was communion Sunday & my heart was filled with such peace that at this church, this table, this feast prepared by Christ,
is open & freely given to all--just like His love.
I grew up in this church & its constant dedication to serving those that Christ would serve--the homeless, the hungry, the downtrodden, the outcast, the troubled, the sick, the refugee--has helped shape the person I have become & the efforts that I choose to dedicate myself to.
This church is, & always will be, a home to me.
It looked so lovely this morning, with the light shining in, that mom & I took a few photos.
I don't attend church regularly, but whenever I do go to Keystone Congregational I am always happy that I did. Besides the pleasure of sitting next to my mother & hearing her sing, I am always moved by the warmth of this place & by this little church's dedication to embodying God's love by seeking peace & justice for all peoples. Pastor Rich is one of my heros & each time I attend his service, I am amazed at how he helps me to define my faith & reach out to others.
This morning was communion Sunday & my heart was filled with such peace that at this church, this table, this feast prepared by Christ,
is open & freely given to all--just like His love.
This church is, & always will be, a home to me.
It looked so lovely this morning, with the light shining in, that mom & I took a few photos.
After a sunny drive home, enjoying all the trees in bloom, I took the kitties out for their first spring romp in the backyard. They are mainly indoor, but on nice days I'll take them out to enjoy a little exploring & grass eating on their leash line. They were very pleased to be out today & are both sacked out next to me, probably dreaming of birdsong & chasing bugs.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
I'll leave you with one of Grandpa Penick's Prayers for the People--
Levi's grandfather was a Methodist minister for some 50 years &
he often wrote his own prayers.
O God, who touches earth with beauty,
We rejoice in the splendor of Spring,
And delight in the communion of color,
And joy in the sounds and smells
of bird and flower.
Our souls are restored in the quiet
and loveliness of Your earth.
such a beautiful post, eliza. it has been a lovely spring day, indeed. we took the frolic out for our first outing of the year, and enjoyed the soft breezes and billowy clouds overhead. i hope you have a wonderful week!
this was a lovely post, eliza. thank you for sharing. yesterday was most certainly a beautiful day.
The pictures of your cats I find very funny! I've always wanted to train a cat to enjoy a leash. Can you guys actually take them for walks too?!
Thanks for sharing about your church & Pastor - I love the poem too!
No, they don't actually walk on their leashes--I just use them to stake in the yard, so they can't go too far.
Levi likes to take Calvin (the orange one) out for "walks" to the mailbox. It's hilarious as Calvin isn't having any of it & proceeds to drop his rump or completely roll over onto his side, before occasionally giving up to the tugging & allowing himself to be dragged forward on his tippy-toes. There's definitely not much walking involved. :)
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