Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Family Estate

Last week I stopped by my grandparents' house & marveled at the resilience of the garden. With my grandma's passing & my grandpa's ailing health, the land has been neglected. It's amazing to watch nature take over & see the garden go wild. There are fox gloves half-again my height, tall grasses waving in the wind, & flowers blooming everywhere. And through it, the work & care of my grandparents is still very evident. The raspberry vines lean every which way, but their fruit is abundant. The dahlias have come up & are blooming among the dead stalks from last year. This visit, the chickens even left me two little surprises. :)

I hope to be a part of any future transformations of this land.


Aleah said...

I wish that for you too! I remember you telling me about it last September. Sounds like a beautiful place!

Carolyn said...

Sounds neat Eliza!!!

Love you lots,

Kristen Gough said...

i love this post, eliza. it is so beautiful to me how you pay attention to the life around you, and how you appreciate God's creativity and provision, and also how you appreciate the creativity and hardwork of the people he has blessed with stewarding his unique gifts. your grandparents' estate sounds so wonderful. i hope it stays in your family for a very long time!