Monday, August 06, 2007

Chatter Creek

We re-started a Gowey family tradition this weekend, returning to the Chatter Creek campground for the first time since our last trip in 1994. It was a great time.
Levi & I brought our mountain bikes & got in a ride at Freund Canyon near Leavenworth. The view below was our reward after a long, hot climb.

All mothers, you'll be happy to hear that we did not ride this ramp!

Me riding the ridge line.

Levi riding the bank.

Me & Amanda.

Carrying on the tradition from previous years, lots of frisbee golf was played.

Icicle River, just a short walk from camp.

A very cool dome-shaped spider web.

Boo & me on the river.On our hike along the river, we came across a Cairn City!
And of course had to add our own.

Gowey shadows on the bridge.

The boys took a dip in the cold river--here's Levi jumping in.


There was even a boat race on the creek--here's the S.S. Treetop entry.

Kayla & Sara waiting for the races to start.

Gowey clan--almost everyone!


Casey said...

what cute and fun pictures! :) I esp. like the watermelon one...mmm looks yummy. It looks like you had a fabulous time!

Kristen Gough said...

what a fun weekend for you guys! these photos are so the one of the shadows on the bridge.

Mandy said...

Great pictures! I bet you had an awesome time!
And looks like you had beautiful weather

Carolyn said...

I think it's so cool that you and the family do a lot together...

Jenny said...

You do do a lot with your family, don't you? And outdoors? WOW, you must be in really great shape to Mountain bike and hike like you do! ;)

Eliza said...

I am lucky enough that almost all of the entire Gowey family lives in Western Washington & we all grew up in the sheltering love of our large family (there's 16 cousins!). Since the passing of our matriarch last fall, we have made a conscious effort to continue our gatherings & outings as an entire family, something for which I am very glad.

Jenny: You're so sweet! We do a lot of outdoorsy stuff, but I still wish I was in better shape!

Herman said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun. I like the spiderweb pictures

Jenny said...

BTW, I went to a wine tasting on Wednesday night and it was all wine from Chatter Creek- It made me think of you.