Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Photos...

...a lot of photos.
The Christmas celebrations began on Saturday in Shelton with the Hearn family.
My niece Tillie's second Christmas!
Tillie & her Mama.
Tillie & Levi.
Tillie & Great Poppa Don.
Look! I took a photo without Tillie in it! :)
Carolyn & Dad after he gave her a cross necklace.
And back to Tillie, this time with cousin Seth.
Meredith with Grandma & Poppa.
Skip to Sunday's celebration with the Winstons. The first Christmas without G-paw. My cousins came into town & we toasted to G-paw with his favorite scotch. It's so great to have the four of us together.
Me trying out the little girl's traditional Swedish cap.
I love this photo of my Uncle Steve. :)
G-maw decorating Levi with the package trimmings.
We decided it looked even better on her.
Christmas morning!
Both my family & Levi's family gathered together this year for a joint celebration at my sister's house.
Here's Momma getting breakfast ready.
The menfolk with the ties from their stockings.
Boo & I being silly in the falling snow.
JP & Elyse entertaining each other while waiting to open presents.
My new Nau jacket!
A present I was very excited about.
It was magical to have snowflakes falling on Christmas Day!
The wood truck I rescued from the flooded farm in Chehalis & fixed up for my Mom.
The bike Levi refinished for his sister.
Hopefully he'll post more about it soon.
And my new bike!! I know, I know--didn't I get a new mountain bike earlier this year? Yes, but this is the bike that spoiled me for all other bikes! It's my friend Joy's Trek & for months now we've thrown around the idea that we would buy it from her once she got her new Julian. Levi picked it up from her a couple days ago & completely surprised me with it on Christmas morning! While it's older, an '01, it has a great set-up & amazing wheels. Let's hope the trails have a little chance to dry out & I can get out on it!
Snow! (hopefully more tomorrow!)
A Merry Christmas to all & to all a good night.


Kristen Gough said...

wonderful photos, and such a lovely christmas you had! a new bike?!! that's so fun! thanks for posting a photo of the wooden truck, too; it is so cute, and perfect for your mom, i think! i was so great to see you last week. you look adorable in your new hat. :)

Eliza said...

Thanks, Kris!
And speaking of that new bike I got...any one interested in a slightly used mountain bike? It's a Fuji Outland Comp, full suspension with disc breaks, 17", fits 5'5" to 5'9".