Sunday, July 27, 2008


I'm going to make some changes--starting tomorrow. :)
With the realization of certain things, especially how crazy work is going to get in the coming months, some priorities need to be shuffled.
--less time on the computer when I am home. Lately, after spending most of the day working on a computer, I come home & automatically turn it on again. Sometimes it's work, sometimes not, sometimes a combination. But this is time I could be on a bike ride, visiting friends or family, reading, making dinner,spending time with Levi, just simply being out enjoying the summer & not tied to this laptop.
--more care in what I eat. Lately, I've slacked off a ton in this area & go for what's most convenient & not necessarily healthy. I haven't been making enough time to visit the farmer's markets to really enjoy the amazing produce that's available. It's important to me that I support local growers & not buy my produce at Safeway & I haven't made this enough of a priority lately. With Levi & I waiting to switch to a house till next year, I hope to then commit time to growing some of our own food.
--my mind, my heart, my time. Lately, not enough of these three things have been committed to the people & activities I love the most. For whatever reasons, I am the type of person that lets myself get caught up in the aspects of life that seem to need me (or that I think I need), when the truth is that none of these things truly need me, & instead I find I have neglected those that I need most--my family, my dear friends, time for bike rides & hikes, for reading & creative endeavors, for supporting causes I believe in.
All of this becomes that much more complicated when combined with my job & the fact that it crosses over many of these categories. Heifer International is one of the causes I believe in very strongly & my work for them supports the important work they do around the world. Therefore, there are times that my job will get the best of me, to the neglect of other areas in my life. I am quickly learning that this is the joy & hardship of working for something you believe in--which also happens to be a non-profit with limited staff, stretching the time & ability of those of us lucky enough to do this work. So, as I muddle through & seek to rearrange my priorities & become more efficient with my time (vital!), I ask for patience from those closest to me. The coming months are going to be crazy--a test of patience & abilities for me. And I'm going to need patience & support from you. I have chosen this as my life's work & while I will not allow it to become my life, there are times it will require a great deal from me.

Anybody have any tips for time management & efficiency?

Here's what has been happening lately that I love:
Mountain biking the top of Galbraith Mt. in Bellingham.

Being silly with people I love.

My beautiful Momma & Auntie Beth at a fun bridal shower for my cousin.

Taking Tillie on her first bike ride (in a trailer).

My silly niece in the pool.

Rafting with my co-workers.

A weekend with Levi--spending time with his family, meeting old friends at his reunion, riding our bikes together, catching a movie.

Good thing I said I'd start these changes tomorrow, cause now it's 10:30pm & I've spent much of the evening on the computer. Sweet dreams & priorities to all!


Carolyn said...

Ahhh..Life...I wish I was good at time management..I can relate to the computer thing..I'll even have mine going just to play solitaire while watching tv..

No news yet here. Grandma is a strong woman and continues to hold on..I'm updating on the blog.

Love you Liza Beans!

Jenny said...

i recommend a vacation! and I suggest Sun River in Oregon..for some reason that seems like the perfect spot for you ;)

then you can come back refreshed and ready to tackle a shift in priorities.