Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Farm Visit

A little behind on posts right now -- with nicer days come more photos & adventures & I'm having trouble keeping up! It doesn't help that I am also spending quite a bit of time editing photos & creating collages. It's just so fun!
 Last week, on a particularly beautiful sunny day, I headed out with Blake & my mom to Moonshadow Farm. Nestled high on a hill in Duvall, the farm is 20 mixed acres of cultivated & forested land, & a haven for unwanted animals. Farm-owner, friend & Heifer volunteer, Sharon, welcomes anyone seeking a peaceful respite & reconnection to the earth & seasons.
 I love coming out to this special corner of earth to visit with Sharon over tea, purchase fresh eggs & walk the farm, conversing with the animals. I also love that doing so is, in part, my job. Sharon has been a Heifer volunteer for many years, building awareness about the importance of local foods, the connection this has to our wider global community, & the responsibility we have to help struggling families build their own sustainable, local systems. I met Sharon through our joint commitment to Heifer & have known her for half a dozen years or so.
 On April 28th, Moonshadow will host Heifer Farm Day, to welcome individuals & families into our Heifer community & participate in fun activities that provide a tangible glimpse into how Heifer is building a healthy world. I went out last week to plan the logistics of the event (more info about the event can be found on Facebook: Heifer in Seattle). My mom carried Blake, leaving me free to take dozens of photos of the farm & animals for the event publicity. It was so fun to watch Blake -- he was very solemn as he checked everything out, watching the animals carefully & taking it all in.
I am eager to bring him back at the end of the month & see how his reactions may change. This day he was quite content to observe everything from the safety of grandma's arms.
We had a lovely, productive afternoon & drove away with fresh eggs to dye for Easter & plans for the upcoming Farm Day. Always a great day at Moonshadow Farm.

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