Friday, July 12, 2013


This blog has become predominantly a place for positive posts, but I still want it to be a well-rounded view of our lives & musings. With that disclaimer, I share this horrifically fascinating map on fracking across the United States (& our bordering neighbors). Click on the link & check out some of the stories of poisoned drinking water, polluted air, mysterious animal deaths, industrial disasters & explosions.

While it's nice to see zero fracking activity in the Pacific Northwest, NO ONE should have this in their community.

Like many other things (climate change, GMOs, etc) I am astounded by the short-sightedness of our race. Why do we continue to think that the earth can handle whatever we throw at it? Why do we think we can get away with treating the earth like an invincible teenager that can absorb enormous amounts of pollutants, drilling, deforestation & modified organisms without negative affects? It truly is insane. Dangerously so. And I would wager, that on some level, the majority of people would agree. Which brings me to the people behind the companies responsible for things like fracking & GMOs. And the question I have for you have children? Do you want to leave a toxic, dying planet to your children & grandchild? Perhaps they are oblivious, or more likely blinded by profit. Perhaps they don't believe that these things are harmful.

I don't understand how there is still an argument.
It's very simple. It's not about politics or economics or religion -- it's about LIFE ON EARTH (the way god created it, for heaven's sake!). Even if we weren't entirely sure that our carbon emission and chemical agriculture are negatively impacting the planet, wouldn't we want to err on the side of caution before dumping more & more of it into the air, water & organisms we need for survival (not to mention larger systems of weather & ecology)?

And people, it's really no longer a debate
We impact the earth -- why is this something people don't want to acknowledge? Because it means we need to change? Change is tough, but it can also be exciting & positive. And when it means sustaining a healthy, beautiful world for our children & grandchildren, isn't it worth it?

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