Sunday, September 29, 2013

One Year

It seems like a very long time ago that I was in the hospital holding this teeny, purple, brand new baby, but I can hardly believe that Blake is now a year old.

We threw a fun party for Blake's first birthday on Saturday (post to follow). Sunday was his actual birthday & we went on a fall outing with Auntie Boo & Grandma Jo to Sky Nursery. He went on a similar outing to Swanson's Nursery last fall when he was just nine days old. See for yourself the difference a year can make.  :)

My little baby is getting so big. Today at his one-year well check he weighed in at 22.5 lbs & 31 inches tall. He's walking & babbling & pointing & exploring.
It is so exciting to watch his personality & skills grow & develop. He discovers new things every day & is constantly adjusting & learning.

Some of my favorites...

His kisses -- gentle head butts.
His skunk stripe mohawk.
The way he points at things & says "ooh".
The excited giggle when he wants something (food, milk snack, favorite book).
His cute little mouth -- it was one of my favorite things about him when he was first born. He has my family's full lower lip.
Wrestling together on our bed after his bath.
 Stuffing his cheeks full of fruit till he looks like a little squirrel -- if he had his way he would eat only meat & fruit.
Baby belly laughs.
His love of music -- he asks for music with our own made up sign & then dances happily.
The way he kicks his feet when you pick him up.
His solemn face when he's outside, taking everything in.
When he puts a bandana over his head to play peek-a-boo.
Tired snuggles. 

Blake is so friendly & outgoing, eager to interact with people, especially those he hasn't met (you've never seen a bigger flirt in the grocery store). He's also pensive at times, processing his surroundings, especially when outdoors. He has extremely good hearing & is very sensitive to sudden, loud noises (he used to cry when Levi sneezed). Dogs are a huge favorite & he makes the doggy sign a dozen times a day -- when he sees our neighbor's dog, when he sees a dog in a book, when he thinks something looks like a dog, & even when there's no dog in sight & he's just thinking about them. It won't be a surprise if that's his first word.

And like every mother, I'm so excited for the boy he is becoming but so wistful for the baby that he is outgrowing.

Happy First Birthday, Blakey!
We love you so.

 More photos from his birthday outing.

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