Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well the wife and I spent Saturday in Portland. We went to Powels, Widmer Brewery and a AAA baseball game. Aaron was our host and tour guide. Thanks! We really had a great time. Put some pictures up below.

Now let me rant about Beaverton. So we get into town at like 11 pm. We are trying to find Aarons place and looking for street signs. As we are going along the light turns yellow, but we have plenty of time (or so I think). Instead it is a short yellow light and as we go through the intersection the car is lit up from above by an extreme flash of light followed by another. My wife thinks aliens are landing but I know better. We have fallen for one of the newest city money making schemes. I am sure we will have a ticket in the mail shortly for running a red light. What a bunch of muck....Install cameras, shorten the yellow light, and collect money. Lets hope this area doesn't try this scheme. I personally think it is extremely dangerous. Flashing lights like the ones we cause heart attacks ans seizers (which I probably spelled wrong).

After we finally get to Aaron's he shares with us that the police also have these vans that the park in church parking lots that take pictures of speeders and mail them tickets. They are required to put out signs but until recently they hit the signs behind trees.

When I was unemployed I looked at several jobs in Beaverton area. Man am I glad I did not move there.

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