Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Alternative Transportation

With the weather horrible, and me not wanting to drive anywhere I have taken the opportunity to experiment with alternative transportation in cold weather.

Option 1: Mountain biking in the snow.

This proved both effective and safe (while on the Gilman). I was able to get to work in about an hour. The problem was getting onto and off of the Trail. Sidewalks and shoulders were iced over and unridable. Those sections needed walked. However the trail was probably the safest place on the Tuesday morning commute. I passed 2 joggers, 3 walkers, and no one else.

Option 2: The Bus

While I am a big fan of public transit (I make the bike racks for buses) it is currently a horrible fit for my home to work commute. It is a mile walk to the stop. Today the bus was 25 minutes late (actually I think the bus before it just wasn't running). Once on the bus it is a half an hour ride to the stop. The stop is then another 1.5 to work. So basically the bus ride is 30 minutes and I only travel 5 miles. Uhggg.

What will tomorrow bring...not sure. We will see how the weather is when I wake up. I can say I am not in good enough shape to run to work, so lets just say I am considering other options.

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