Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!!

A few days late, but I hope everyone enjoyed it!
I had an entire weekend of family fun.
Saturday morning was spent at the Musuem of Flight with my Dad & the Hearn family. I was rather enthralled by the new space exhibit with current info about the planets in our solar system & the new definitions of dwarf planets. Things have changed a little bit since I was a 9 year old space junky. Here's Daddy with three of his four kids (Emily & her family will be coming home from California in early July!)

Saturday night the older Gowey girl cousins --minus Megan :(-- got together for a sleepover at our Grandparents' house. It was great fun--we talked & laughed all evening.

We had tomato soup & grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, just like Grandma used to make for us.

And silly times playing with the toys that were our playthings at the Grandparents' when we were kids.

And drinking tea out of Grandma's chicken mugs (we also all went down to feed the chickens & reminisced about the yard & creek).

All cozied up in the living room with a fire.

Sunday, Levi headed up to Bellingham with some friends to ride Galbraith Mountain. We finished off our sleepover with a waffle breakfast & a walk to the Lake Forest Park Farmer's Market, & then headed up the hill for a Father's Day gathering at my aunt & uncle's.

I just can't stop taking photos of my adorable little cousins. :)

Grandpa's waving hello.

Amanda & her dad--she has a mouthful of olives that she just ate off her fingertips.

And in other's good to know that I am still not allergic to bees. Levi & I went for a long road bike ride last night with some friends. While riding along the scenic Seward Park, a bee hit my cheek & stung me! Thankful it did not swell up much & it doesn't hurt anymore.

In nature seems like there's an abundance of flickers this year! I saw three just yesterday!


Aleah said...

I love all the pictures that you post - looks like you had a good weekend!
What a place to get stung!

Kristen Gough said...

it sounds like you had such a wonderful weekend. i absolutely love that you and your sister and cousins had a sleepover at your grandma's house. that is so special!

sorry to hear about your bee sting...but good to know that you're not allergic!

love your photos, too, eliza!

Casey said...

wow, I loved looking at all those photos. Everyone has a smile on their face...and it sounds like you had an amazing time :)

Sleepovers are so much fun, I don't think I'll get too old to enjoy them!

Carolyn said...

We sure had fun being you's neet to see the Gowey cousins hanging out..I'm kind of envious..I never had that kind of closeness with my cousins..

See you Monday!!