Thursday, November 08, 2007

The past couple weeks...

You know when you've been neglecting your blog when a post starts with that title. Life has been busy, or more accurately, work has been busy. It's the busy season in the philanthropic world, but I love it. I am adjusting to the new schedule of making my own schedule, very different after working 8-5 for five years. This time of year, it seems to equate to over 10 hour days, but fortunately some of that can be done from home. Tomorrow, I'll hopefully be able to give you a glimpse of the big project I've been working on lately. Tonight, here's some (a lot) photos from the last couple weeks:

Jen & me at the Halloween party.
The best costume there (no, he's not short).
Hike in B'ham.
Cool mushroom!
My girls.
More cool fungus.
Last weekend I finally got to visit the Heifer Ranch, 400 acres of working, sustainable farm & education center in the Arkansas countryside. I attended a Heifer University 201, topic: Health & Healing (mind, body, spirit, as well as our communities, environment & world). It was a great weekend, meet some incredible people. Spending time with "Heifer folks" never fails to deepen my passion for this work.
Meet Raja, the resident male camel.
Meredith--a young woman on our trip who really inspired me. She has spent the last two years working with refugees & internally displaced persons at a health clinic on the Burma/Thailand border. She educated us all about the conflict within Burma (Myanmar).
Can you find the sheepdog among the sheep?
The sun & warmth on our second day brought out the butterflies.
One of the brothers, Briggs & Stratton.
The "Thailand Housing" in the Global Village.
Sunset on the pond.
Our wonderful Heifer 201 group.
Sunday morning on the alter (is it irreverent to sit on alters?)
As you leave the Ranch...
I should definitely post more often, so I don't overload you with photos. :)

In other recent news, two friends in the "blogging girls group" have welcomed brand new babies.
Congratulations to Mandy & Matt on baby Leta!
Congratulations to Rebekah & Chris on baby Levi (we love his name)!


Jenny said...

I love the update..and the photos! I'm planning on doing a blog about my trip to California and that was in Sept. It's never too late, right? AND blogs are about 20 years it won't matter that I was two months late on an entry. I'd be more disappointed if I didn't have anything posted.

Herman said...

ooooo, lots of fun stuff!

camels and mushrooms and animals oh my!