Much is made of the baby.
The baby Jesus.
Born to be a savior.
But to believe that Jesus was born to be a savior
Is to believe that cribs hold dictators, and drug addicts.
Their lives ensnared by predestined fate.
Jesus was born to be a human.
And as a human he could make choices.
And his choices led him to Calvary and beyond.
The Christmas miracle was not that a predestined savior was born
But that the will of God was entrusted to humanity.
Our frailty, revealed in our infancy,
Is strong enough to hold the purposes of the Almighty.
The Christmas miracle is not wrapped up in one baby,
But in all humanity.
Each of us are frail but sacred vessels of possibility.
The world is full of saviors awaiting awareness
To make choices, to pay the price,
to ignite the sacred potential of a human life
and embody the divine.
-Pastor Rich Gamble