It's been an emotional week.
My thoughts have been very much on the foundations & patterns of life. On death & birth, beginnings & endings. Sometimes death comes unexpectedly & other times it is a long walk to the end. Birth, in its many forms--babies, lambs, spring flowers--is beautiful & affirming. Both are life altering & are affecting people very close to me.
I think these thoughts have manifested in me a craving for community. It has been comforting & grounding this week to discover it while celebrating my Grandma Linda's 80th birthday, while having a long dinner remembering a loved one with my sister & aunts, while playing with my little niece, while standing on the block I grew up on visiting with my folks & watching neighbors garden & children play, while biking around Lake Sammamish with Levi & two good friends, while going to church & singing with my mom, while walking in the sunshine to the Wallingford market chatting with my co-worker.
My thoughts have been very much on the foundations & patterns of life. On death & birth, beginnings & endings. Sometimes death comes unexpectedly & other times it is a long walk to the end. Birth, in its many forms--babies, lambs, spring flowers--is beautiful & affirming. Both are life altering & are affecting people very close to me.
I think these thoughts have manifested in me a craving for community. It has been comforting & grounding this week to discover it while celebrating my Grandma Linda's 80th birthday, while having a long dinner remembering a loved one with my sister & aunts, while playing with my little niece, while standing on the block I grew up on visiting with my folks & watching neighbors garden & children play, while biking around Lake Sammamish with Levi & two good friends, while going to church & singing with my mom, while walking in the sunshine to the Wallingford market chatting with my co-worker.
I hope each of you find community to rejoice in.