Saturday, August 30, 2008


Over here at the Penick blog, you may have noticed that we like to post photos of our various bike crashes. Bruises & injuries are always fun to show off & perhaps they serve as reminders to us--now whether those reminders do any good is debatable.
It all started with the documentation of my encounter with a tree in early 2005 when I first started mountain biking.
I don't know that this one even warrants mentioning, but there was the small road mishap I had on the Fremont Bridge in May 2007 while commuting home from work.
Then Levi took his first tumble on his new Truth, on Tiger in July 2007.
And this May he went ass over handlebars at St. Ed's. With the nature of his pain & injuries we're guessing he also had a disruption in his AC joint, probably a class 1 or 2.
To continue the tradition, here are photos taken earlier this week from my crash.
Can you tell which shoulder it is?
My bike landed on my left leg.
I have no idea when this happened.
A few scrapes to go along with the bruises.
The good news is that I saw the orthopedic surgeon on Thursday & I don't need surgery! I've got a 95% chance that everything will heal up fine in the next 6-8 weeks with full range of motion & no residual pain.
A full week after the crash, bruises on my shoulder are showing up.


Carolyn said...

Oh, Eliza, Eliza, Eliza!! Whatever will we do with you! I hope you are feeling better..I guess the right shoulder?? I'm trying to remember which side the sling was on!

Stay safe during your recovery!

Jenny said...

i have a bruise book (a collection of bruise photos of myself and others) perhaps I'll add these to my collection ;)

good work! but I'm sorry you had to suffer through the pain of it all.